I have experienced six unforgettable days in a community of exceptional women from various professions of business, science and NGOs. Even these circumstances would be enough to perceive these days as nice and useful. In addition, I have been in Israel for the first time and had an opportunity to see several towns and places, including their sights. Nevertheless, the most valuable thing was the program was arranged with such variety that each of us could find useful information and experience for her profession and could meet with incredible people within our tight itinerary. These people have been highly knowledgeable, ready to answer all our questions and open to share their personal stories as well. It was six days full of inspiration, reasons to think about, meeting valuable people and gaining new experience. Thank you for all of these!

Markéta Franke, Co-founder of Behavee

I knew and expected that a trip to Israel would be interesting in every way. What I had the opportunity to see, visit, and experience and the people I met by far exceeded all my expectations. Israel and its people are strong, persistent and hardworking and at every moment they know why, what is the purpose and what is their goal. This kind of awareness has probably touched me the most and will stay in my mind forever.

Lucie Garbienová, Managing Director, Saatchi & Saatchi Prague

Linda has been very helpful with connecting me to the right people in Tel Aviv and with securing an internship at Israeli Aerospace Industries and Pzartech startup. I highly appreciate her patience and suggestions regarding my cover letter and cv. All of that at a very short notice. I am sure that if it was not for Linda I would not have currently been a part of the dynamic Israeli startup scene! Thank you, Linda.

Matyas Lustig, Student at Internship Program, Tel Aviv University
Workshop for women entrepreneurs from Visegrad countries under the auspices of Hungarian Embassy, in charge of V4 Presidency

Competition vs. Collaboration

Workshop for women entrepreneurs from Visegrad countries under the auspices of Hungarian Embassy, in charge of V4 Presidency

Linda and Karolina held an excellent session on competition and cooperation during our workshop for female social impact startupers from V4 countries. They combined training and interactive parts so that participants could learn from them and from each other as well.

Katalin Ertsey, 1st Secretary, Hungarian Embassy

Empowerment Self-Defense workshop for IWAP

International Women Association of Prague, has a group dedicated to Wellness and we had the highly valuable opportunity to welcome ESD Czechia founder Linda Stučbartová, who gave us an introduction session followed by an Empowerment Self-Defense workshop.
As part of a group of women from various ages and nationalities, we attended both sessions with eagerness to learn about violence prevention and skills to help us to protect ourselves, since violence and aggression are increasingly present in our societies.
Fernanda Escobar, International Women Association of Prague

I had the opportunity to work with Linda when she asked me for an interview. The entire process was professionally organized, with time for feedback and approvals prior to publishing. Linda was incredibly empathetic to the spirit behind the initiative I was discussing, the questions she structured were carefully considered and her initial querying was insightful, respectfully approached, yet probing and laced with gentle humor. The whole experience was a pleasure to go through and I would wholeheartedly recommend Linda for an interview should you have the opportunity.

Anthony Newstead, Glb Grp Director Emerging Technologies & Strategic Innovation, co-founder BridgeCommunity

Linda volunteered her time to present to IWAP on the perceptions of women in Czech society. Her presentation was excellent and very well received by the audience of international women. It was humorous, honest and humbling, taking us on a journey through the early years of post communism to women in today’s society.

Helen Noll, IWAP President 2015 - 2018, International Women's Association of Prague

On behalf of all the participants I would like to cite feedback from Jana Hrstkova, Operating Principal of Keller Williams, Member of the Board of the Jan and Meda Mladek Foundation, and President of the Harvard Alumni Club in Prague:

“Missions are generally the modern way to support new projects and represent an effective tool for making personal connections with foreign partners. Another goal is to create synergies and a program that will satisfy the maximum number possible of the delegation participants. I think that this first women entrepreneurial mission to Israel fulfilled the vision very well. We had the opportunity to meet with partners from the Herzliya Accelerator Center, PICO Investment Fund, RedHat, IDC Beyond, OurCrowd, and MobilEye, among others. Personally, I was most taken by the example of the most successful Israeli start-up MobilEye, which offers a very sophisticated technology that assists drivers, and which can serve as inspiration for the Czech Republic. The program was very professional and thorough. A huge thank you to Linda Stucbartova from Diversio who prepared the program and supported it professionally, as well as to the Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, and the Israeli-Czech Chamber of Commerce. I would recommend the mission to all those who are interested in new trends in technology, investment opportunities, start-ups, and education. I’m already looking forward to the next mission which Diversio plans for Fall 2019.”

Jana Hrstkova, 1st WEM Israel